Monday, February 18, 2008

My Cookie is your Cookie

Dear fellow cookies:

We here pronounce this blog a big fat cookie! It has arrived as a gigantic pink elephant in a runway and it came to rock things over! It is here, it exists, it haunts you in the lonely and dark night, when you walk the streets alone, searching for something crunchy and sweet to eat…
It has no smarties, or chocolate, or even nuts. Picture it as your personal, one and only, customizable (always open to suggestions!), cookie lounge. We serve no beverages, and cookies of all ages are allowed in. On your left side (unless you have the computer screen upside down, in which case we advise you to look to the right hand side of the screen) you can see an array of cookie goodness we have discovered in the dark pits of the internet, specially for you. Most of them will change daily – visit us and see for yourself! We plan on having a new post on a regular basis. We have no plan whatsoever of boring you to death…unless you have been accidentally lobotomized, in which case I can recommend several psychiatric institutions – because in Cookie Jar Freaks, we care about your well-being!
We have no intentions, no agenda, and no political beliefs besides our own. We have committed no crime or are we not serial killers. We are just two women with really, let’s admit it, nothing better to do. Otherwise we have just come to terrorise the planet.
What do we have? Well…actually, I still can’t answer that question. But one thing I am sure of…we love cookies and intend on keeping them hot and flavoured, just for you!

There’s no other way to put it: we have come to stay!

Merry Cookies to you all!

Sugar cutie

Gingerbread gal

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